The Palladian Group Receives National Recognition for Survey Platform

September 3, 2015

The Palladian Group Receives National Recognition for Survey Platform

Spartanburg, S.C.-

Yesterday, USA Today released the GOP Power Rankings, giving credit to The Palladian Group for building the survey platform.

Over the last few weeks, the technology team at The Palladian Group has been building a survey platform on Presidential hopefuls to produce a comprehensive data and ranking system for the GOP Power Rankings. The panel has consisted of thirty participants across the country, including TPG’s Founder and CEO, Karen Floyd.

“I am extremely proud of our technology and development teams at The Palladian Group for their part of this project,” said Floyd. I’m also honored to have been chosen as a participant in the USA TODAY – 2016 GOP Power Rankings.”

The Palladian Group, based out of Spartanburg, S.C. specializes in a wide range of technology services including website design, development, search presence optimization, conversion, and social media.

“Our technology and development teams’ agility really helped us get this done,” said TPG’s CIO Michael Uhrinek. It’s been amazing seeing the survey platform that we custom designed, being utilized on such a massive national scale.”

According to the USA Today article, the participants are “activists, analysts, and experts from around the country.” These individuals will vote each week on which GOP candidate is the strongest.  This week, Donald Trump has ranked as number one, with Ben Carson holding a strong second. The Palladian Group has successfully developed a platform that will be utilized for the rest of the presidential debates.

Stay connected with us for updates in the GOP Power Rankings.

Read the USA Today article here.

To learn more about the Palladian Group, please visit –
